A sip of lightness. Scientists have found that a popular sugar-free drink helps to lose weight

3 min read

Although many of us are used to drinking many drinks with sugar in them, a new study claims that by removing it from one of them, we can start burning extra calories more efficiently.

It seems that science has another great news for all lovers of a hot, flavorful and tart popular drink. Of course, we are talking about coffee. Drinking this unsweetened beverage can be on your side when it comes to weight control.

Many people around the world drink coffee every day. In addition to its pleasant aroma and taste, coffee has a number of health benefits. It is believed to reduce the likelihood of developing a number of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. In addition, coffee helps to increase energy levels, which allows you to burn more calories.

But here’s the catch: while coffee itself is healthy, the things we often add to it, such as sugar and cream, can simply negate all of its benefits. Some studies conducted in the past have suggested that if we add these additives to coffee, we may be reducing the health benefits of this drink.

The researchers decided to look into this issue further. They used data from three large studies involving medical professionals and nurses. Participants filled out questionnaires about their diet, including their coffee drinking habits, over several years. By analyzing this data, the researchers were able to find out how changes in coffee drinking habits could be related to weight changes.

Based on data from more than 150,000 participants, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • On average, the participants gained a little weight over the four years, but this varied slightly depending on which group they were in.
  • Drinking one cup of unsweetened coffee daily, regardless of whether it contains caffeine or not, was associated with a slightly lower weight gain over the four years – about 0.12 kg.
  • On the other hand, adding just one teaspoon of sugar to food or drink daily led to a weight gain of about 0.09 kg over the same period. At the same time, cream does not seem to have a significant impact on weight gain and loss.
  • This association between unsweetened coffee and less weight gain was even more pronounced in overweight people or in younger participants.
  • Interestingly, if we consider caffeine alone, the daily consumption of an additional 100 mg of caffeine (about the amount contained in an average cup of coffee) leads to a weight loss of 0.08 kg over four years. The researchers took additional steps to ensure that these results were not a coincidence or influenced by other dietary habits.

If you are trying to control your weight, increasing your consumption of unsweetened coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, can help. However, you need to remember that sugar is added not only to coffee, but also to other foods and drinks. Although the difference in weight may seem insignificant, it can increase over time. So the next time you make coffee, think twice before taking out the container of sugar, the scientists advise.

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